About me

About Me

For 30 years now, I’ve been working to create sustainable life-enhancing opportunities and a safe environment for women and children in the northeast.

This primarily involves putting an end to unsafe migration that leads to exploitation, and is one of the key drivers of human trafficking from the region.

I strongly believe you cannot end human trafficking of women and children, until women at the grassroots are skilfully empowered and economically self-sufficient.

Which is why, my work stands on two pillars: Impulse NGO Network that raises awareness and fights the problem of human trafficking; and Impulse Social Enterprises, that helps create sustainable livelihood and eliminate one of the key triggers for human trafficking.

Partnerships for innovation in thought and action drive what we do, and create a multiplier effect that makes our work globally scalable and sustainable.

What started out as a mission in my home state of Meghalaya, has today evolved into the Impulse Model, which is a global program that’s being studied and replicated worldwide.

I believe social entrepreneurship must have a positive socio-economic impact, where growth and progress aren’t measured by profit, but by the change in values, thought and action exhibited.

What started out as a small effort to help local Meghalaya artisans sell homemade products back in the 1980s, has today evolved into Impulse Empower – an artisan brand and program for sustainable livelihood for over 3,000 women from 6 different tribes spread out across northeast India.

Over the years, Impulse NGO Network, Impulse Social Entreprises, and I have won several awards and have been recognised for the positive socio-economic impact we’ve made on local societies and indigenous people.

To me, these accolades ratify that our model works, and more importantly, they re-affirm the value of our partnerships all those we work with –  including the media, law enforcement agencies, financial institutions, philanthropic trusts, and other NGOs.

Most importantly, the coverage we get helps not just to enhance the confidence and sentiment of the women we work with, but also help boost local small-scale entrepreneurship.

At the end of the day, it is this bottom-up upliftment of society, and overall enhancement of our economy, that leads to creating a life of safety and dignity.

Which is what I started out to achieve in the first place, 30 years ago!

More About Me

Hasina Kharbhih

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Click to Visit Impulse Social Enterprises

- www.impulsesocialenterprises.com -

Click to Visit Impulse NGO Network

--- www.impulsengonetwork.org ---